Abigail Read online

Page 12

  “No.” Abby didn’t lie. The man didn’t look like much of a threat. Maybe before in their earlier interactions he acted like one, but he was on the job. And what kind of threat would tell her to “be careful” at the same time. It was such a huge contradiction that Abby couldn’t accept.

  “I don’t know you, so I can’t trust you.”

  Evren looked taken aback for a moment but then serenely comfortable.

  “I get it. Probably just as much as you.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “I’m like you.” He pulled up his left sleeve and continued, “My own father was the one who put me into the ‘dating service’ business when I was 13.” He finished rolling up his sleeve to reveal several gashes that went from the very bottom of his elbow to his wrist and there were so many in between. “He was abusive long before the business, don’t get me wrong. It just got a lot worse when it actually started, and I started to act out.”

  Abby awed at the spectacle of beatings that his arm had gone through. And she could only imagine what other pain lay hidden under his clothes.

  “Was that sob story supposed to make me trust you?”

  Evren chuckled. “Wow, harsh.” Harsh but people like them tended to have darker senses of humor. It was one of the only things that kept them going during the hardest parts of their lives. “No, it was not meant to make you trust me. It was meant to show you that I understand why you wouldn’t.”

  Abby did start to feel a sense of camaraderie, though they didn’t have the same experiences, they at some point felt the same feelings of pain, cruelty, anger, and fear. Then, Abby really couldn’t understand one thing.

  “Why do you work for someone as terrible as Michael, then?”

  “I need to eat, same as anyone, I suppose.”

  “But why not do some good and eat?”

  Evren’s face saddened. It probably saddened at the innocence of the question. A question so small but was simply beyond him at this point in his life.

  “I have my reasons. As I’m sure you have yours for working with Deely. I’m more of a contractor. I pick and choose my jobs. I weigh the pros and cons and then decide. That’s just how I live. And I’ve done way too many bad things in my life to seek forgiveness by doing good. I’d rather run on my own moral compass.”

  Abby thought for a moment, wondering what bad things he had meant. She slowly got out of bed and walked toward him and reached her hand down in front of him waiting for him to bring his hand up. They shook hands and Abby said, “I get it.”

  They both returned to their separate spots and went off to sleep for the night. Hoping to get as much rest as possible for the night ahead.

  Chapter 21

  Deely’s plan had more moving parts than was originally intended but it was all toward the same end goal. Get into the server room and get the names. That was the plan at its simplest. But now, Deely, Abby, and Meri had to do all this with a gun crazy lunatic and his men watching from the inside and the outside. There was really no room for error. Deely had to have everything virtually foolproof even down to the small details like what time everyone would arrive and who would arrive with whom.

  Evren and Abigail were meant to be first, followed by undisclosed people from Michael’s group and then Deely and Nicole, and Michael and Meri. Michael had no intention of actually participating in the plan. He had no intention of even going into the Equinox Gala. He just wanted to be close enough to oversee everything that was going on. And having Meri right by his side would be his best bet because she’d be the one orchestrating all the technical aspects of the mission. Everyone else was just a means to an end.


  Michael returned to restaurant in the late afternoon with a freshly made company ID for Evren and a flashy blue suit.

  “Thanks, sir,” Evren started, “you really do have a sense of fashion. But, don’t you think this is a bit too flashy? Someone would catch me from a mile away in this thing.”

  “My dear friend, this is Section Five. I know you’ve been to the Plaza Hotel, but this is simply an entire new level of fancy. The only people who will really stand out are those who aren’t dressed the part,” he shot a look toward Abby who was sitting in a booth still in her pajamas with her hair sticking out of the braids that she attempted the night before. Abby didn’t seem to notice as she was paying much more attention to the delicious burgers that Charlie cooked up for them.

  Michael leaned in closer for what he was about to say next. “I’d also suggest not getting too close to the girl.”

  “Of course.” Evren couldn’t exactly understand what Michael meant by that. But he also didn’t understand most things that he said.


  By the time everyone finished eating, it was already time to start getting ready. The sun had already set, blanketing the front of the restaurant in darkness, but the back was full of life and nervousness radiating off almost everybody, especially Deely who sat in his office drinking a small shot of whiskey to loosen himself up. Time seemed to melt away because as soon as he was done, everyone was standing at the door of his study waiting for the beginning of a long night.

  “Abby and Evren.” They both stepped forward totally complementing each other. Evren’s flashiness subdued by Abby’s deep dark blues, and the faint sparkle of her heels glowing under all Evren’s reflections. “You guys are first. As soon as you get there, the party should be just beginning, which means the lobby will be full of guests shuffling around talking and waiting for the elevators to open up. When they do, you’ll take the stairwell down to the basement and book it to the server room and wait for Meri and me to get to our positions. Understood?” They both nodded with a succinct focus that Deely hoped to attain by the time he arrived there.

  The pair got into Evren’s glider and were off before Deely prepped everyone else.

  The Cassalian building definitely wasn’t hard to miss. It wasn’t the most exotic one in Section Five. In fact, it normally looked quite plain amongst the high rising curve shaped buildings. Most looked as if it were impossible for them to still be standing. But tonight, Cassalian was lit in cool deep greens, blues, and purples that pulsed around the building. Shining against every surrounding surface.

  “This is a bit much.” Abby let herself have a few more minutes as herself before she had to turn into Lashondra.

  “Yeah,” Evren agreed, “I do fancy it though. It’s not all the time that I get to see beautiful spectacles such as this.” He marveled at the building far longer than Abby thought to. She figured he was relaxed enough to focus on other things than the job at hand. He finally landed and pulled over close to the curb blending in amongst the plethora of luxury gliders.

  They both sat in the glider waiting to see Deely’s vehicle pass above them. After what felt like an eternity of looking up, Abby finally saw his rickety, old bullet filled glider fly gently above them and silently thanked Deely for the tension developing in the back of her neck. Deely’s glider went farther down the street away from the others that would make his stick out so poorly.

  “You ready?” Abby felt an uneasiness that couldn’t make her answer yet. “Just do exactly what you did the other night and you’ll have everyone convinced. You’ll do fine.”

  It wasn’t the convincing that she was worried about. She was worried about if she’d go crazy again. She knew exactly what made her tick that night. But she really didn’t know when she’d react like that again. It could be the next time someone grazed by her the wrong way or the next time someone threw a seemingly innocent compliment toward her. And after a few more seconds, she said, “Ha. If you knew everything I did the other night, you definitely wouldn’t be saying that.” Abby took a second to get herself together, checking for her phone in her handbag and making sure her makeup still looked dreamy as ever. And she was finally able to set aside Abigail and become Lashondra.
  “I’m ready,” she said adjusting the strap of her handbag across her body.

  They both got out of the glider and became much friendlier with Evren putting his arm around Abby’s waist and hers going along the curve of his back, as if they’d been in each other’s company for at least a few months. As soon as they entered the building, they walked right into security that stood in front of a room full of loud and excited guests.

  “Your name, sir?” The blonde-haired man asked taking a step in front of them blocking their entrance into the crowd.

  “How foolish of me,” Evren seemed to brush off his hurriedness with forgetfulness. “William. William Crawford.” He held up his ID for the guard to scan. The scanner went right over the ID without making a noise, it felt like it took forever for the scanner to turn green. Abby imagined herself flying straight out of the doors if the ID didn’t work. They’d never even talked about what to do in the event they couldn’t even get in. When the scanner finally flashed green, Abby let out a breath realizing she hadn’t been breathing at all the entire time.

  “And who’s this pretty lady?” The guards light blue eyes met hers. Taking in her entire outfit. He asked about her so casually as if keeping track of who the plus ones were wasn’t actually part of his job.

  “I’m Lashondra.” She reached her hand out, hoping to assert herself as a woman who’d rather introduce herself than have others introduce her.

  Bowing his head a little, he grabbed her hand and kissed it.

  “It’s certainly a pleasure. Please do enjoy the party,” he said stepping out of the way finally letting them into the sea of people that were waiting to be let upstairs.

  “Wow. That was pretty smooth,” Evren complimented her skill. “I almost feel like I should be a little jealous.”

  “He’ll probably forget me as soon as the next ‘pretty lady’ comes through those doors.”

  The pair took in their surroundings for the first time since entering the building. The entire floor was washed in a white marble, which they were only able to see in places where people hadn’t filled just yet. The elevators were lined with intricate gold designs which felt a bit tacky and outdated. Abby had expected something more like the Plaza Hotel. She expected sleekness, exoticness, and most importantly at least a fish in the ceiling. The Cassalian building just felt normal. Not really something you’d ever see in Section Four. But, not something that really belonged in Section Five either.

  “I see the stairs over there.” He nodded toward a door nestled in the corner away from the elevators so that no one was standing in front of it. No one planned on walking up nearly 60 flights of stairs tonight.

  The couple started making their way toward the door, squeezing past the noisy conversations and the explosion of champagne bottles opening. Pushing past the last few people before the door, an excited voice stopped Evren in his tracks.

  “Evren? Evren, is that you?” A lady dressed in bright sparkly blues grabbed Evren’s arm forcing him to spin around, her flamboyant nature rocking her long, curly hair as she grabbed him to bring him in for a hug.

  “How the hell are you? I didn’t expect to see you here!” She smiled so eagerly; the dark blue painted on freckles nearly jumping right off of her full cheeks.

  “Hey, Chavi,” Evren attempted to brush off the surprise of being recognized. But, he couldn’t help but continue to look extremely uncomfortable. “I wasn’t expecting to see you here either. I’m doing quite well. Who are you here with?”

  “The mayor invited me.” She pointed to a mean-looking woman caught up in conversation. The mayor was so far away that she had no chance of seeing Evren or Abigail. And they were both hoping to keep it that way.

  “And who is this?” The exuberant woman finally took notice of Abby, looking her up and down, which Abigail had slowly but reluctantly become used to.

  “This is my plus one.”

  “Lashondra.” Abigail butted in, noticing how odd it was to introduce someone without ever giving a name. Abigail gave Evren’s arm a squeeze that said, “hurry up” and “focus” all at the same time.

  “Well, isn’t she beautiful! Nice work.” Chavi winked and continued rambling on. Every time the conversation seemed that it was nearing an endpoint, she’d bring up another irrelevant topic. And Abby really couldn’t blame her. Any topic that didn’t involve their plan was simply unimportant tonight.

  Abby felt her phone buzz in her handbag, “Get in position.” She looked up to see Deely looking at her from the front of security with Nicole by his side. The blonde security guard seeming to do the exact same kiss on the hand routine with her. Deely’s look toward Abigail was brief but stern and she knew exactly what she needed to do.

  “Hey, I’m gonna head to the restroom. It was nice to meet you.” She gave Evren’s arm another squeeze given the slight change in plans. She walked off in the direction of the bathroom which was on the opposite side of the lobby. She ducked behind ladies who wore much more extravagant dresses than hers to make sure that she’d be lost in the crowd. She took one last look over her shoulder and saw Chavi still enjoying her conversation with Evren.

  Abby strayed from her path and took a long, winding route through the crowd to get to the stairs. She cut through with surprising ease, looking the part but also not drawing any attention to herself. Making it all the way to the stairwell door, she slipped in quietly and waiting a second expected someone to catch her immediately. The stairwell wasn’t nearly as well done as the outside. It was filled with concrete and metal handrails that got lost in the dark grays of the stairs. She began her descent to the basement, but when she got there, she needed to wait for Evren.

  She sat at the bottom of the steps for what felt like an eternity. She could see the room right outside of the small window at the top of the exit door. She would’ve already gone right through if it weren’t for the mountain of a man that sat in front of what she assumed was the server room door. There were plenty of other doors there, but there was only one being guarded. It’d be completely foolish for her to go at him alone.

  After another few minutes, the sound of steps started getting closer and closer. But she didn’t recognize these steps. They were slow, calculating, and in no rush at all. Abigail figured Evren would be rushing down here. They were on a pretty tight schedule. She quickly but quietly made herself small under the stairwell. Bunching up as much as she could in the shadow of the stairway, hoping that the shadows would swallow the sparkles on her heels.

  “...yeah. I’m making the first round, now,” the unknown man responded to someone on his phone. “I haven’t seen anyone that’s too suspicious yet. I’m letting everyone know to keep their guards up and adding more security…” he walked out into the hall and began informing the guard at the door. Finally, the rushed hurried steps she was expecting came down the stairs.

  “She was a pleasure, huh,” she said gagging sarcastically.

  “I know. I know. That was my bad. I was able to get away when Mr. slick-back opened the damn elevators.” He must’ve been talking about the CEO. Abby could remember how gelled down the man’s hair was on the website. It looked as if you could slide right off of it.

  “Well, we’ve got even newer problems.” She led him to look at the burly guard sitting in front of the server room and the man continuing to talk on his phone as he made his way down the other end of the hallway. “I just heard the guy on the phone say that they’re gonna be adding more security, but I didn’t hear exactly where. I think it’s safe to assume everywhere. I’m not sure what could be bigger and meaner looking than the bear of a man already there, but I definitely don’t wanna stick around to find out.”

  They both sat in the darkness of the stairwell until they saw the man make it all the way down the hallway and out of the other stairwell door.

  “Alright, let’s go.” Evren prompted and they both entered the hallway s
uddenly becoming more handsy with each other and sluggishly walking from one wall to the other.

  “Sorry, but guests really aren’t allowed down here.” The man stood up and towered over both of them. His voice was so soft, it surprised them. How something so small could come from a monstrously large figure was simply confounding.

  “But, I work here.” Evren sloppily pulled out his ID card, selling the act by not so accidentally dropping it and struggling to pick it back up.

  “That doesn’t matter. No one is permitted here after work hours.”

  “Oh, come on.” Evren nudged the guard. “I just wanna show the lady around. Just for a few minutes.” Abby looked innocent as if she could do nothing wrong.

  “I can’t allow that. Please join the other guests upstairs. I can call someone to escort you there.”

  Before he could reach for his earpiece, Evren placed a hand on his arm to stop him.

  “You know, that’s actually quite alright. We should be able to find our way back up,” he laughed off his fake drunkenness. “We’ll get out of your hair.”

  Evren made an attempt to put his ID back in his coat pocket but dropped it.

  “Shit. I could really use a cup of coffee right now. Do you mind?”

  “Not at all, sir.” The man bent down and reached for the card and Evren crashed his knee into the man’s chin dropping him to the floor unconscious.

  “Shit. His jawline must be made of diamonds,” he said tending to his knee. Evren went to the server room door and propped it open. “Could you help me with this? He won’t be out for long.”

  They pulled the dead weight into the server room and Evren searched him taking every piece of technology out of his waistband and the earpiece out of his ear. Then, Evren tied the man’s hands behind his back and bound his feet together in front of him, so that he slumped over uncomfortably against the wall.