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Abigail Page 13

  They both finally took a short breath to release a bit of tension. Abby pulled out her phone and was met with three more messages from Deely: “Headed up now”, “In position”, “Let me know when you’re in position”.

  “We’re in. Might have less time than we thought. Calling Meri now,” she texted back and started dialing.

  “What do we do now?”

  “I need you to find a specific server. Number 132,” Meri ordered Abby.

  “132?” She finally took in the hugeness of the room and noticed most of the servers were engulfed in blackness giving the illusion that the room was smaller than it was. But as soon as she noticed how spread apart the servers were numbered, she figured 132 had to be deeper inside.

  “We need to find 132,” she told Evren. They both rushed from aisle to aisle, each one holding 30 servers.

  “Found it. Now what?”

  “Give the phone to Evren.”

  “Here. She wants to talk to you.” Abby shoved the phone into his hands. “I’ll keep watch near the door.”

  Evren put the phone up to his ear and immediately started getting to work on whatever Meri was telling him to do. He pushed his ID into the server, giving him access to it and began typing away at the keyboard.

  Every minute or so, Abby would peek her head up and look at the window looking for any sign of another guard coming, but still no one else had shown up.

  “Sent. Is that it?” She could hear Evren finishing up in the distance. And he finally made his way back to the front door.

  “Are we done?”

  “I guess so.”

  “You guys are fucking dead,” a hard voice came from the ground.

  “It’s nice of you to finally join us. Did you have a nice nap?”

  “Fuck off.”

  Slow steps came from down the hallway and everyone froze except for the previously incapacitated man who started screaming his head off.

  “We’ve been breached! There’s two hostiles—” without giving it another thought, Abby stuck her five inch heels over the man’s package, grabbing his attention.

  “Scream again, and you won’t have kids,” Abby promised this with a fire she didn’t think she had. They were just too close, and she didn’t care to mess up again. The steps got all the way to the server room door and walked right past it, fading out as they went through the hallway.

  “You’re welcome,” she removed her foot from its precarious position over him, allowing him to breathe again. Abby got her phone back from Evren.

  “Getting to the meeting point now,” she sent to Deely.

  “It’s time to go,” she finally said to Evren.

  “Do you think I can leave you like that without you making too much of a fuss?” Evren taunted the guard.

  The man nodded with a sneer of complete sourness toward them.

  “I’m afraid I don’t really believe you. You understand, right?” Evren spun around and back kicked the man in the jaw right where he had hit him earlier. “Oof. That’s gonna leave a mark.”

  Abby and Evren peeked their heads out the door looking back and forth for anyone that might’ve been coming. No one was there. They walked quickly almost slipping into a jog, both dying to get out and actually be sure that they were safe.

  The stairwell all the way at the other end of the hallway led them right back up to an empty lobby, free of the hundreds of guests who’d gone up to the party floor. Even the guards were nowhere to be seen. They must’ve locked the entire building up. That’d be the only reason why the guards would feel comfortable enough to leave their posts.

  An elevator dinged, causing both Evren and Abigail to attempt to hide, but they abandoned all worry when they realized it was just Deely.

  “Where the hell’s Nicole?”

  “Still enjoying the party.” Deely rolled his eyes as if he spent quite a while trying to convince her to come with him but to no avail.

  “Let’s go. I can’t wait for Meri to show us who’s on this list. I have a feeling I may have shook hands with nearly a dozen of them while I was up there.” He shuttered wiping his hand over his blazer. “Let’s go out of the side doors.”

  They all went out of the side door, relief flooding through everyone. They got out. They were in and now they were out. The group was met with a series of slow claps. Loud enough for maybe the whole street to hear.

  “That’s a job well done. We really do make quite the great team. Evren, you might want to get out of here. They’ll have your face soon. Give me your ID card too.” Evren complied and handed over his card.

  Before turning to leave, Evren said, “It was nice working with you,” directing his comment more toward Abigail. “Hopefully, our paths will cross again someday.”

  “I hope so too, E,” she responded with a warm smile on her face and a bit of sadness that her friend of a day would be gone. And Evren disappeared down the street to his glider and into the night sky.

  “Aww, that was so sweet,” Michael mockingly spat out. “I didn’t really want to do this while he was around anyway. He’d just make things so much more complicated.” Michael pulled out a small handgun with a silencer over the end of it and pointed it directly at Deely’s head. “The list. I’ll take it now, please.”

  “You mean half the list like we agreed upon?” Deely spoke so tightly, not moving a muscle.

  “Agreements change. And I don’t think you’re in any position to be trying to argue with me. The names.” Michael reached his hand out.




  “You do see this gun in my hand, right?” Michael waved it around for a second, checking to see if his gun was still there. And he repositioned back on Deely. “Or do you need some extra motivation?” He turned the gun toward Abigail, causing her to let out a small whimper.

  “Michael, no. This is between you and me. Leave her out of it.”

  “That seems to have finally struck a chord in him. Hasn’t it, Abigail?” She didn’t respond. “You don’t want me to ruin her pretty face now, do you?” He pointed the barrel straight at her face. Abigail couldn’t help but shake. She’d been content with dying in a cage but now that she had something to look forward to, she couldn’t help but tremble in the sight of imminent death.

  Several long grueling seconds passed before Deely threw the data card toward Michael.

  “Good boy.” Michael grabbed the card from the ground and got close to Deely. So close that their noses could’ve kissed. “You’re a fucking idiot.” A small, muted blast went off into Deely’s midsection, knocking him to the ground.

  “Deely! Deely!” Abigail rushed to his side. The blood was pouring out of him so fast; she could already feel his blood start to pool around her hands. Blood spurted from his mouth as he tried to speak but nothing but gurgles came out.

  “I’m taking her back to her mother.” He grabbed Abby by the shoulder, pulling her up and pushing her forward with the barrel burning at her backside. They got all the way to Michael’s glider, where Meri still sat waiting for any sign of the plan’s success, but instead she was greeted with a forceful removal from the car and Abigail’s cries.

  “You have to get help, Meri. Michael shot him! He shot Deely!” and with that Michael abruptly closed the door in her face, leaving her confused and worried at the same time.

  Suddenly, through all her emotions, Abby felt a sudden clear-headedness kick in. There was no way she was going back to Mother. No way she was going back into a life full of loathing. She didn’t care if she had to die to prevent it. She was never going back.

  As soon as Michael settled in the car, he’d finally put his gun down into a compartment on the side. Now was her only chance. She grabbed her heel and smashed them over his balls, causing him to let out the loudest noise she’d ever heard him utter. She took off her p
urse and jumped in the backseat, wrapping the strap around his neck and pulling with all her might, but he was still moving. His hand went down to the compartment and easily grabbed the gun, firing shot after shot back at her but missing each one, instead shooting through his own back window and into other gliders. Alarms went off with each shot and he finally stopped fighting when his hand went limp and couldn’t hold the gun anymore and then his entire body went limp.

  Abby looked through his pockets and got the data card and ran back out into the alley to Deely.

  Chapter 22

  Deely woke up, groggy hearing the beeps and pumps of medical machines next to him. His attention went immediately to the right side of his stomach feeling a wet bandage over it. And then a hand went to his arm.

  “Hey, why don’t you take it easy?” The voice said softly, clicking a button that slowly sat him upright. Abby sat by his side looking as tired as ever but relieved. And to his other side, a small girl that Deely hadn’t recognized in years sat there, bursting into tears and blubbering like small children do.

  “I’m so sorry, Tommy. I-I didn’t know he’d do that. I should’ve known.” Meri bent down onto his chest. “I should’ve known. This is all my fault.” She cried so hard that she soaked a part of his hospital gown. Deely hadn’t seen her cry like this in long time, not since his mom died.

  He laid a hand on her head, hoping that she’d calm down a little.

  “It’s ok, Meri. I get what you were trying to do. I know you meant well. That’s all that matters.” She kept crying into his shirt, not finding solace until she cried herself to sleep atop Deely’s chest. It looked like it’d been a long night for both Abigail and Meri.

  “Oh, I think you’re gonna want this,” Abigail reached into her purse and pulled out the data card that he’d been shot over.


  “It’s a long story. But we have all the names.”

  Deely felt like he should inquire further, but he couldn’t muster the energy to keep wondering. All that mattered was that they had it.

  “Thanks, Abigail. Truly, thank you.”

  She gave a smile that thanked him instead. Thanked him for getting her out of her hellhole. Thanked him for helping her find what she was meant to do.

  “So,” she wondered half-jokingly and seriously, “what’s my next mission?”

  “Could we at least let these wounds heal first before going to get fresh new ones?” He chuckled and winced at the pain in his stomach. “Seems you’ll be around for a while.”