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Abigail Page 9

  “So…” Abby trailed off afraid to really continue because she really had no idea how Deely would react to her question. But she’d been here long enough and thought that she at least deserved to know a little bit more about the man who had changed her life so drastically. “Your mom. What’s she like?”

  Deely seemed to stop only a little before coming to terms with his own personal information that he let slip. And without another thought, Deely went on refining. “She was the best person I’ve ever known. Really, she was quite stubborn, but whose mother isn’t? She gave me courage in the darkest times as she still does now. Meri really adored her.” Deely looked happy to talk about his Mother but Abby could see the wave of sadness hiding behind his eyes with a little touch of anger to go along with it.

  “What happened to her?”

  “She died... doing something stupid like you’re about to do.”

  A sea of silence separated them farther than they physically were. Deely finished up his correcting, ending with mascara that accentuated her already large eyes.

  “Just be careful. Ok?”


  Just then, Meri came back in the room carrying a black dress. Before, Abby was sure that she wouldn’t be able to fill out the curvy frame of the dress, she still felt like she probably wouldn’t but at least she had put on a little more weight. Meri handed Abby the dress, pushing her into the restroom leaving Deely the only soul still left in Meri’s room.

  The dress Meri had bought was an adult kind of sexy that Abby had never experienced. The front plunged down right above her navel exposing much more skin and body than she would’ve liked. And if it wasn’t already bad enough, the dress was skintight not concealing a single crevice.

  “Are you sure about this dress? I’m supposed to be seducing the guy not giving him a wide-open door to my lady parts.”

  Meri chuckled sitting on the edge of the bathtub not exactly looking at anything. Her bracelets clanged against the tub as she leaned against it.

  “Can I ask you something, Meri?”

  “Sure. What is it?”

  “What happened to Deely’s mom?”

  Chapter 16

  “Ma, where do you think you’re going?” a 19-year old Deely called from the front of Ol’ Mikes. He sat at the stools along the bar that weren’t completely torn by neglect yet, sitting in front of an unscathed Charlie who appeared brand new.

  “Just out, sweetie. I already told you about the job,” a sweet voice yelled all the way from the restroom. Deely’s mother was affixing wide hooped earrings to her ears, struggling a bit until they finally clasped.

  “I thought we always went together though. What am I supposed to do?”

  Deely’s mom ran into the front with short heels in hand and stopped in front of both Charlie and Deely expecting some kind of response.

  “How do I look?” She curtsied a bit fancying a honeyed smile.

  “Truly stunning, Miss Natalie,” Charlie said. His programming only playing a small amount in his urge to please others.

  “Oh, don’t be such a kiss ass. But you do look beautiful, Ma.”

  “Aw thanks.” She fastened her heels on and pulled everything out of the small handbag making sure she had everything she needed. A phone, lipstick, mascara, eyeliner, oh and of course a penknife, decorated in a carefully detailed design.

  “You still never answered my question.” Deely snapped her out of running over her checklist of items.

  “I don’t think my target would too much like me bringing my kid along to dinner.”

  “But, you still need back up. At least take Charlie.”

  “I’ll be fine. The man is damn near harmless and Charlie would stick out like a sore thumb at the place I’m going.” She leaned in closer to Deely and started at a whisper, “He’s a little too outdated.”

  “I heard that,” Charlie remarked without turning around.

  They both chuckled and Natalie kissed Deely on the forehead before heading toward the door.

  “Oh yeah, could you tuck in your brother when he gets back from his friend’s house. Just tell him I decided to go out. And read Meri a bedtime story if she wakes up in the middle of the night again.”

  “Of course, Ma,” Deely acknowledged.

  “I’ll see you soon. Love you, Honey,” and Natalie left. Her last words in the restaurant only falling on Charlie and Deely.

  Chapter 17

  When Abigail came out of the restroom, Deely could hear her heels click down the hallway toward his study. She stepped in with her velvet black dress and swayed her hips side to side much better than he had coached her. Deely was both mesmerized and proud of the work he’d done.

  It was already dark outside before everyone in the compound gathered around the oval desk display in Deely’s study. Every part of the plan detailed out with a picture of the main target, Joseph “Joey” Patel, in the center. Deely was positioned in the middle of the table with Charlie by his side while both Meri and Abigail sat on the other side.

  “Guys, this job is just like any other job. Except it’s probably even easier since we’re only getting a phone. We’ve done this dozens of times before and I’m hoping we’ll be able to do it dozens more.” Deely looked straight into Abigail when he said his last sentence. “We’re arriving at the Plaza at 8 and we go our separate ways until we meet again, 10:30 at the latest.” He was, of course, directing most of his comments toward Abigail mostly because she’d never seen Charlie leave the restaurant, and she doubted that this plan would change that in any way. It seemed like he hardly ever did. And Meri would probably have to stay in the glider the whole time because there’d be nothing more obvious than a blind preteen hippie walking into a five star hotel, especially in the middle of Section Five.

  Deely then pulled out a necklace and handed it to Charlie, who strode around the table and placed it around Abby’s slim neck. A big black pendant sat in between her breasts resting inside an intricate golden leaf design. It was heavy, making her exert a little more effort to continue showing the confidence that she had learned so well. Deely continued pointing toward the item that had just been bestowed upon her.

  “I’ll be able to see what’s going on through this,” as he continued, he made another window pop up on the desk showing a live broadcast of both Deely and Charlie. “Unfortunately, it’s only good for watching. I won’t know you’re in danger until it’s too late. All you need to do is get Patel up to his room and slip him a couple of these.” He slipped two small white pills into her handbag before passing it across the table toward her. “Then just keep him occupied for thirty minutes. All you need is his phone and then you haul ass to the glider and Meri can take care of the rest.” Then finally looking down toward Meri. “Meri, you already know what to do.”

  Deely glanced at his watch, it was already 7:50 and Abby was a little surprised that he was playing so closely with the time. Maybe he had more faith in how fast he could get there than in her completing her part.

  It wasn’t long before everyone minus Charlie stuffed themselves into Deely’s tiny glider, Meri taking the back seat. The back even being a tight squeeze for someone of such a tiny size. In a matter of minutes, they were out of Downtown and into Section Five. And the change was obvious from the increased number of people walking around enjoying the nightlife. The people of Section Five could be picked out from any group of random strangers.

  They stood up a little taller wanting to flaunt the shiniest clothes, blinding onlookers in the process. They were drawn toward the outside. While most others were cooped up in their houses or high office buildings, they had the luxury of not having to worry about work, having plenty of androids to do that for them. They could go out when they wanted to and not just when they needed to. It was so different from Section Four where everyone was either coming into work or leaving it or simply sleeping on the side of t
he road or in dark back alleys. Here there wasn’t any of that worrying and homelessness and struggle that accompanied every other section, some sections being much worse off than others.

  Deely started slowing down, making Abby finally pay attention to the big box building that stood almost as tall as the surrounding skyscrapers but entirely more elegant than its counterparts, with the walls being fully glass. The ones that covered the front of the lobby were see-through, showing the white marble floor and high shimmering chandelier.

  Abby’s heart immediately started beating faster and faster, accelerating as the glider decelerated to a spot just out of sight of anyone entering the hotel. Breaking her from her nervous trance, Deely shoved a small folded phone into her hands. “Text him. Let him know you’re here.” She followed Deely’s instructions promptly and got a response back instantly. I’m sitting at the bar, followed by a winky face. Looking at his watch again, it was 8:03. “Go ahead in. Remember, pay attention to your surroundings. Don’t let him slip you anything either.”

  Abby laughed nervously. “Wouldn’t that be awkward.” Abigail’s hands rested in her lap fiddling around with the chain of her handbag. Deely reached over and rested his hand over Abby’s. His noticeably out-sizing hers.

  “You’ll do fine. Don’t think too much. You’ve practiced this repeatedly. Just imagine he’s me and knock him down a few pegs. Guys like a challenge.” He ended with a wink and a soft smile putting Abby at ease just a little. Abby couldn’t help but laugh most of her jitters away in that moment. She took one last deep breath to finally step out of the closest thing to a safe haven that she had at the moment. Then she walked down the sidewalk, clacking her heels on the pavement toward the hotel, the old doorman looked like the most worn object she’d seen since entering this part of the city.

  His wrinkles rested deep into his placid skin showing that he was maybe in his 70s but doing a younger man’s job in a fitted green suit with an orange-brown bordering and a bucket hat that strapped just under his chin. His face was dead and unfazed by the bodies that entered the pristine glass door. No one paying him much attention and him reciprocating the same feelings as he opened the door without so much as a crack in his expression.

  This lack of mannerisms was confusing to Abby. Mother may have raised her in a cage, but it never stopped her from being ingrained with this innate idea of southern hospitality. So, when she finally made it up to the doorman and he opened the door, waiting for her to walk in just like every other guest, she couldn’t help herself from bowing her head down a little and giving him a “Thank you, sir.” The “sir” having a little more southern twang than she could control. The old man’s dead eyes lit up as he turned toward the girl finally taking in her presence. The man perked up as if the small show of appreciation had given him validation in how valuable he was.

  “You are very welcome, ma’am.” The old man’s voice sounded gruff like he hadn’t spoken the whole day and finally Abby felt right about entering and the old man continued his job opening and closing the door but with a little more life in his eyes.

  The bar quickly came up on the right. It was much nicer than some of the bars she’d been to. There was much less shouting, and the women were fully clothed for the most part. It took Abby only seconds to lock her eyes on the target. It wasn’t hard to miss a pudgy, balding middle-aged man in the center of the bar anxiously looking at his watch then toward his phone possibly waiting for an I’m here message.

  Before Patel looked her way, Abby took several breaths turning herself into another person. Lashondra. That’s what he knew her as. A seductress that could get men to do whatever she wanted. Her posture changed jutting her chest forward and popping her butt out and with one long leg in front of the other she started making her way toward Patel, past the private booths that lined each path, each one covered by heavy burgundy curtains that separated people from those that were coming in. She strutted her hips over to him and she could feel eyes on her. Wandering eyes coming from another stranger at the bar and Abby felt like she hadn’t been prepared for handling other onlookers. Patel still hadn’t turned her way yet and she was hoping to keep her cool as she was passing the other man watching her.

  He was younger than any of the men that occupied the other seats in the bar, maybe in his 30s. His outfit was definitely not as flashy as she would expect from someone here or someone for his age for that matter. His slacks fit pretty close against his lean legs and his blazer fit close on his waist really accentuating his athletic figure. As she got closer, he turned in his bar stool toward her.

  “Hey, pretty lady. Can I buy you a drink?” His eyes lurked up and down her body taking in every curve and biting his bottom lip as if imagining what he’d do to her. Abby kept walking and nodding her head down slightly.

  “Thanks, but I really have somewhere to be.” And she attempted to leave him with a polite smile but before she made it past him, he grabbed her by the arm and forced her to a stop.

  “Come on. You can’t even stay for one drink?” Abby, a bit more forcefully than she had intended, ripped her arm from his grip and again smiled and replied with a lot more persistence.

  “No, thank you.” And she went on toward Patel with the man’s unwanted attention now on her back.

  “I really was excited for you to finally come. Heh heh…” Patel laughed a bit anxiously attempting to hide his nervousness behind his failed bravado. It really didn’t suit him at all. He was squirrelly, his palms were covered in sweat as he held her hand guiding her to his room. The room didn’t look like much from the outside. The door was small and seemed to be crowded amongst the other showy silver rimmed doors that went through the hallway.

  Space was something this hotel did not want to waste. It used every square inch to the best of its abilities even, leaving some spaces that would’ve looked better empty filled with exotic plants that couldn’t be found within miles of the city. Clearly imported farther than Abby could even imagine. Even the ceilings weren’t safe from this obsessive need to fill every void with something interesting and foreign. Tanks of blue water filled the ceiling, housing a single stingray that swam back and forth through the long hall. The lights shown through the tank caused the stingray to cast a huge shadow with every pass. Abby’s face going from blue to gray back to blue for a long while before the big gray blob returned.

  It was a bit excessive, Abigail thought. She’d, of course, never been exposed to this much luxury let alone this much stuff in one place. But at the same time, it helped her feel at peace. Somehow she thought all this stuff would keep her in character. It wouldn’t allow her to float away and reveal her genuine self. Lashondra, however, was a high class woman used to the finer things in life. Fish swimming above her head was normal. So normal it was downright boring. She could yawn at the stingray and it’d probably yawn back accepting her as a regular patron of this sort of establishment.

  When Patel opened the door to his room, Abby would’ve been taken aback by the fancy light fixture and the wide one-way window that looked out over much of the city. She couldn’t see much past the transport tubes and the skyscraper that occupied half of the window’s view. The other half looked on toward downtown which looked a lot less impressive now that all the best things were right in front of her. But Lashondra didn’t give the slightest bit of attention. All she let out was a simple “thank you” as he held the door open letting her in. Leaning into her manners was the only way she knew how to continue staying in character while not feeling like she needed to stay intensely focused.

  Abby rounded the bed and sat down, immediately calculating how every step of this closed-door encounter could go. She was just ready to finish up her part. Patel sat timidly next to her not exactly sure what to do with his hands, so instead he went for his legs, wiping off his moist hands. She wanted to be in control and Patel looked like he would do just about anything she asked at this point. With a soft smile and a sneaky
hand behind her back taking the pills that Deely put in her handbag. “Would you like a drink?” She motioned toward the tall bubbly bottle of champagne that sat in the front of the room next to the rest of the mini bar.

  “Y-Yes, thanks.” Abigail got up continuing to conceal the pills in her hands and walked over with her back toward Patel hoping he’d pay more attention to what was behind her more than anything else.

  “So, is there anything you’re hoping to get out of our meeting, Mr. Patel? I noticed you don’t have a wedding ring.” Abby hadn’t needed to glance at his fingers to figure that out. She’d been over Deely’s file on him plenty of times to know that and given the state she saw him in the first time she saw the man, she figured it was probably a pretty nasty divorce.

  “Oh, please call me Joey. Heh,” he looked down at his empty ring finger, “And it didn’t end up working out very well.” His laugh seemed to be more of a nervous tick that he couldn’t help himself from doing. He continued while Abby dropped the pills in with an inaudible plop and continued by slowly pouring herself a drink determined to let the pills dissolve before handing it off. “I just wanna get back out there, you know…Heh.” When he fell silent, Abby felt her cue to finally face him, standing in front of him and handing off the drink.

  “I get it. Well cheers,” she said, holding her glass up causing him to hold his a little higher, “to an exciting new chapter. I hope it works out for you.” They clinked glasses and he downed his entire drink, probably hoping the alcohol would loosen him up. Abby made a show of trying to down the entire drink but only took a tiny sip wanting to stay clear headed the whole time. Abby was ready to make use of her 30 minutes.

  “You seem a little tense.” Moving herself around Patel she had her hands to his back in no time. “Do you mind if I help, Joey?” She didn’t wait for an answer instead she continued moving along his back using steady hands up and down relieving the tight knots. And Abby wasn’t sure what exactly came over her, but she wanted to get a little riskier. “Can you take your shirt off for me?”